Wednesday, December 2, 2015
See Dedication Day Video Vignettes by Mike Simpson
Remember to focus on the LIGHT as we go through these difficult times.
You guys and gals are responsible for lifting up the LIGHT, who is Jesus Christ, in Kerrville, Texas. Thank you!
Attached here is a glimpse of the LIGHT at THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN. I pray glimpse of the LIGHT blesses you as you end this day.
Mike Simpson, owner of HERO PRODUCTIONS, and a TCKF donor and supporter, has been working hard on creating 25 vignette video segments of our 9/13/15 DEDICATION service. Mike has done a wonderful job capturing the anointing of this historic day.
CLICK HERE to view Greiner DEDICATION vignette.
Yesterday Mike finished my segment, which you can see now by clicking on the link below. You can also see all the other wonderful vignettes of the testimonies, prayer, preaching and worship from that special day at God’s Tabernacle Garden.
Eventually, Summer Holt will be building a special DEDICATION website page, where all these vignette segments can be seen on demand... forever. However, until then you can view the segments now on a special “holding” website that Mike uses to store and view the segments.
So, when you need a blessing, take a look at Mike’s most recent creativity. And, when you get a chance, please thank Mike personally and let him know what you think of his efforts to lift up the King of Glory.
Also, if you need someone to do a great professional video for you, your family or your company, I highly recommend Mike Simpson!
God bless you all. Pray for our country at this dark time in world history.
In Jesus,
Saturday, November 7, 2015
"THE CROSS AT KERRVILLE" Jack Rothenflue Testimony
We hope you enjoy the Radio Show Broadcast featuring "The Cross at Kerrville" hosted by Roy Holley and TCKF Founder and President, Max Greiner. The show airs on the San Antonio, TX - "The Word In South Texas" KSLR 630AM radio station every Saturday morning at 10:30am and also on the Austin, TX - "The Bridge" KTXW 1120AM every Saturday morning at 8:00am and Sunday morning at 10:00am!
Each week, after hearing remarkable personal testimonies, thousands of listeners are given the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as their LORD and Savior. Each week, Christians are given the opportunity to receive the nine Gifts Of The Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12. Each week, people are inspired by true testimonies of Believers who have experienced modern day miracles in their lives, many of which have happened at “The Empty Cross” in Kerrville.
Read the latest issue of TCKF's “FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN” Newsletter #21!
This issue is about the 9/13/15 Dedication of the cross-shaped garden. The colorful newsletter is filled with testimony and photos from the amazing day! If you would like to receive future issues of this free e-newsletter to your email inbox about THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN in Kerrville, TX, you will need to sign up by completing the short online subscription form here: TCKF only sends out three or four email newsletters a year, so you won’t be inundated! This evangelistic method is working!!!! As of September 31st, 31,484 vehicles entered the 24.5 acre garden, with approximately 81,855 people, since the first of this year!!!! WOW! That is three times the population of Kerrville! All these people are presented with the written Gospel, using 77 Bible verses in three languages! Folks, the WORD of God is reaching thousands of people at the garden, many of whom won’t go to church or Christian event, won’t read a Bible or Christian book, won’t watch Christian TV or listen to radio. But, they will visit a free tourist attraction on the side of the highway to see the monumental sculptures!!! This is “Eye Gate Evangelism”... and it is working! Thanks again for your prayers and support for this soul-winning garden Tabernacle. In the King’s service, Max & Sherry.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Thank you Doug Filbert for the Beautiful Photo and Video!
"Today my family and I visited your beautiful park. I brought along my drone and took Ariel pictures and video that are attached. I would like to fly again in the park to get better pictures and video with my family but felt I should ask permission. Please enjoy the attached pictures and video. Thank you for creating such a beautiful place to bask in gods glory."
~Doug Filbert
Monday, August 31, 2015
Radio Broadcast - Jim Beard Story, Part 3, Glory Dust Miracle Begins
Listen to the 30 minute Radio Show Broadcast featuring "The Cross at Kerrville" hosted by Roy Holley and TCKF Founder and President, Max Greiner.
The show airs on the San Antonio, TX - "The Word In South Texas" KSLR 630AM radio station every Saturday morning at 10:30am and also on the Austin, TX - "The Bridge" KTXW 1120AM every Saturday morning at 8:00am and Sunday morning at 10:00am!
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Jesus Christ Returns In Glory to Kerrville, TX - YESTERDAY!!!
Yesterday, the King of Glory arrived in Kerrville, TX. Or, at least His sculpture arrived from EAGLE BRONZE in Lander, WY! Monte Paddleford, my friend and owner of the art foundry, installed the 5000 lb., life-size bronze sculpture, “The Coming King”, Jesus Christ returning in glory (Rev. 19:11). It took us ALL day and we are all really tired! The 18’ tall sculpture of Jesus Christ completes the original vision that God called Sherry and me to almost 14 years ago! This bronze installation was done in preparation for our 9/13/15 official dedication that is coming up. This sculpture was donated to TCKF by Sherry and me, with the help of two anonymous donors, who helped cover the casting cost on this bronze. Here are just a few photos to let you see what God has done, with your prayers, volunteer work and donations. Thank you. The view at the top of the mountain is magnificent! Finally, attached is a 30 second video taken by Mike Simpson, of the “The Coming King” bronze sculpture being lifted into position. Sherry and I pray you are greatly blessed by what you see. Now pray that God uses this garden Tabernacle to draw thousands, even millions of people to Himself. Thank you! In the King’s service, Max Greiner, Jr. President
Friday, August 7, 2015
"Three Baptisms - Tongues Gift" - August 8, 2015 Broadcast
Click HERE to listen!
Saturday, August 1, 2015
"Patricia Wyatt Story - Angels Orbs on Video" - August 1, 2015 Broadcast
The show airs on the San Antonio, TX - "The Word In South Texas" KSLR 630AM radio station every Saturday morning at 10:30am and also on the Austin, TX - "The Bridge" KTXW 1120AM every Saturday morning at 8:00am and Sunday morning at 10:00am.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
"Empowerment Baptism, Tongues, Bill Bright Meeting" - May 30, 2015 Broadcast
Friday, April 10, 2015
"Prayer Path Construction, Unity, Rattlesnake Miracle" - April 11, 2015 Broadcast
Click HERE to listen!
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Radio Interview "Easter Celebration" with Roy Holley
Listen here to the Radio phone interview with Host, Roy Holley and TCKF Trustee, Loauda Raschke recorded on March 28, 2015 announcing TCKF's "Easter Celebration" weekend. It is about 5 minutes long. Praise God for the free publicity!!!! We so appreciate Roy for all he is doing and has done for TCKF! It will air this Saturday after 9:45 on “Talk about Texas” on KKYX 680 AM radio. Also, it can be heard via the Tune-In or I-Heart radio app for mobile phones.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
On Saturday, April 4, 2015, an all day “RESURRECTION CELEBRATION” will begin at 9:00 AM. and end at 6:00 PM. LIVE Christian music in all styles will be performed by local and national talent. Music will be presented by Sony Recording Artist, Lenny Holmes and Warner Brothers Recording Artist, Raymone Carter, both from Richmond, VA. Local talent will include the Impact Christian Fellowship Worship Team, the Trinity Baptist Church Choir, Zion Lutheran Church Worship Team, Ryan and Nicole Huff, A Cross Generation Band, David and Chris Cawthon, Mount Olive Baptist Choir, the Villalobos Family and the Wild Ride Ministries Worship Team.
Inspirational speakers will be well known local Kerrville ministers including John Hiddema, pastor of First Baptist Church, Jimmy Sportsman, pastor of Kerrville Church Of Christ, Stockton Williams, pastor of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, James Wilson, pastor of Kerrville Christian Center, Noah Diggs, pastor of Mount Olive Baptist Church, Mike Weaver, pastor of Wild Ride Ministries Church, pastor Jack Rothenflue, Director of Commission To Every Nation, and TCKF founder and President, artist evangelist, Max Greiner, Jr.
On Sunday morning, April 5, 2015, TCKF will host a special 1 ½ hour “SON RISE EASTER SERVICE” starting at 7:00 AM. TCKF Trustee, Louada Raschke and “A Cross Generation Band” will lead worship. TCKF President, Max Greiner, Jr. will share testimony and Pastor Mark Rylander of Friendship Bible Church will give the Easter message. Guests will receive a free package of TCKF materials when they enter the garden property, including the addresses of area Christian churches. All visitors will be encouraged to attend Easter services at local churches later that morning.
Guests are asked to bring hats, cameras and travel together if possible, to reduce the need for onsite parking. Free shuttle vehicles will be provided by ServKerrville and National Car Rental. Sunday morning visitors should bring flashlights.
In addition to the special Easter events, there is much more to do at the outdoor Christian Tabernacle, located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. Guests can read 77 Scripture Tiles in English, Spanish and German that lead to the 77’7” Cor-tin steel sculpture, “The Empty Cross”. This “Path To Heaven” ends at the foot of seven story open cross, where individuals can literally pray inside the cross.
Garden visitors can also view almost $3,000,000 worth of bronze and steel sculptures, donated by three Christian artist families: Monte and Beverly Paddleford of Lander, WY; David and Michelle Broussard of Dallas, TX and Max and Sherry Greiner, of Kerrville. The work of these artists can be found in prestigious collections around the world, including the collections of Presidents, Governors and the stars of sports, TV, movie, music and business. Their art has been owned by many well known Christians such as Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Mike Huckabee and Pope John Paul II.
Guests can stroll down a special “Prayer Path” that surrounds the 300’ cross-shaped garden. Thousands of people have already written their petitions and praises to God on small limestone rocks placed along the trail. Permanent writing markers are provided to visitors for this reason.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Jeff Anderson at (830)928-3575 -
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Garden Progress February 2015
On Monday (2/16/15) our heavy contractor, JENSCHKE poured our front entrance steps in concrete, which will provide access to the 300' cross-shaped garden! They will be pouring the lower steps this week and plan to do light paving on the upper parking lot too!
This week, our four donor landscape companies hope to plant almost 100 Big Tooth Maple trees at the top of the mountain, along the 100 yard long cross-shaped garden. God said to call these trees the "FOUND MAPLES'!
Yesterday afternoon our donated Maple trees arrived at the garden from LOVE CREEK ORCHARDS! They are wonderful! (see attached photos.)
Tomorrow around 8:30 AM, the landscapers from AAA Landscaping and GARDENS AT THE RIDGE Landscaping will be sending crews to plant the trees!!! PRAISE GOD!!!
Thanks for your prayers and support!
The Kingdom of God is advancing on the mountain!!!!
Max Greiner
TCKF is doing this weekly program to bring thousands of tourists to Kerrville, and to Jesus Christ. The radio shows are sponsored by MAMACITA'S, the YO RANCH HOTEL, the INN OF THE HILLS and my own art business. In addition the Austin show is sponsored by THE STORE HOUSE FOOD BANK and LARRY & GWEN BURNS. These two 30 minute radio programs cover much of the state of Texas and will air each Saturday morning on KTXW 1120 in Austin at 8:00 AM and at 10:30 AM in San Antonio on KSLR 630.
The program will tell stories (personal testimony) of what our Great God is doing at THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN, in the heart of the Texas Hill Country, on IH-10 in Kerrville! These two radio shows reach almost to Dallas and Houston! The WORD is getting out! If you missed our first two radio shows, you can