Saturday, May 30, 2015

"Empowerment Baptism, Tongues, Bill Bright Meeting" - May 30, 2015 Broadcast

Today our 17th 30 minute weekly radio aired on KTXW in Austin and KSLR in San Antonio.  This TCKF show shares about the three Baptisms stated in the Bible, with special emphasis on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Empowerment).  This program also shares how God supernaturally introduced me to the founder of CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST (CRU) many years ago, Dr. Bill Bright.  Bill (now in Heaven) and Vonnette have prayed many times for the garden vision. Also, last Saturday, good friends, Gene and Gayle Bender came to the garden for the first time.  They own and manage the KTXW Christian radio station in Austin, that airs our radio program on Saturday and Sunday. The Austin radio show is sponsored by Gwen and Larry Burns of Kerrville, and my brother, Mark Greiner of Austin.   To hear today's radio show click here: