Friday, December 9, 2016
Radio Show - Part 2 of Dr. Robby Carpenter – Election Analysis
Catch this week's broadcast featuring part 2 of Dr. Robby Carpenter – Election Analysis! Tune your radio station to KTXW 1120AM tomorrow morning @ 9:30am, Sunday @10:00am or KLSR 630AM Saturday @10:30am to catch this week's broadcast! You can also follow the link to listen online!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Thanks to Todd Obiedo for a Beautiful Photo of the Empty Cross
I just got a great photo of "THE EMPTY CROSS" taken by our friend, Todd Obiedo.
I wanted to share it with you.
Todd, thanks for sending me this wonderful photo! God bless you!
Thanks for your support and prayers!
In Jesus,
Max Greiner, Jr.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Catch This Week's Radio Broadcast Part 1 of Patsy Jordan's Story!
Catch this week's broadcast featuring part 1 of Patsy Jordan's story! Tune your radio station to KTXW 1120AM tomorrow morning @ 9:30am, Sunday @10:00am or KLSR 630AM Saturday @10:30am to catch this week's broadcast! You can also follow the link to listen online! http://
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
You Are Cordially Invited!
You Are Cordially Invited To See Why Hundreds Of Thousands Of People From At Least 60 Countries Have Already Visited Kerrville's Free Spiritual Art Park
Visual Presentation
by Artist Founder, Max Greiner, Jr.
Sunday Nov. 6, 2016 3:00PM
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Sculpture prayer gardens get dark skies lighting - Kerrville Daily Times Article
Story and photos by Jennifer Reiley Features Editor
“And God said, let there be light.”
The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Gardens north of Kerrville underwent a new construction step Thursday with the installation of streetlights at the space, which is open each day until midnight.
Max Greiner, president of the Coming King Foundation, said he is excited to see the forward progress at the site.
“We hope to be lit up and powered up by the weekend, but only the Lord knows what’s coming,” Greiner said.
Six 30-foot light polls were installed Thursday, along with spotlights for five of the sculptures in the garden. Greiner said one highlight of the lights is that they are dark sky LEDs.
“That means they don’t shine light up into space, and so you’ll be able to still see the stars when you come up here,” he said.
All of the equipment and service were donated, Greiner said. Donors include Guadalupe Electric, Alamo Crane, Joe Ed Jenschke, Tim, Terry and Linda Forse, Bob Carey, Paul and Susan Weathersby and Greg Allen.
“I reached out to Joe Ed Jenschke and asked him if he could cut a trench so we could run the electric line to the fountain so we could at least have the water,” Greiner said. “He told me, ‘God has told me to do the whole thing.’”
Greiner said Alamo Crane crews also helped raise the cross and coming king statue in the garden. He estimated that the materials and service would have cost about $100,000.
“The people have been amazing,” Greiner said. “We’re building everything in faith of God without debt. It’s taken a long time, but this was the next major step. What this will do is be a quantum leap for tourism.”
Greiner said in September alone, the sculpture garden had more than 7,000 visitors, which he said the foundation members count using vehicle and people counters. Greiner said the organization estimates 2.6 people per vehicle.
“We hope this will become a premiere nighttime tourist attraction in the state of Texas,” Greiner said.
Johnny Sharp, vice president of the foundation, said it was great to see progress being made.
“We’re getting things done. That’s always our prayer. Lord let us get something new done,” Sharp said. “This is going to be very important for us to have these lights.”
In addition to the lights, security video cameras will be installed to provide steaming live images through the organization’s website,, Greiner said.
He said it was exciting to see the growth at the sculpture garden over the years. The 77-foot cross was raised in July 2010, and the garden was dedicated in September 2015.
“This is the whole body of Christ coming together to do this,” Greiner said. “This isn’t just one church or ministry. It’s Christians from all the different churches. The body of Christ is coming together at the foot of the cross.”
Friday, September 30, 2016
Listen to David Danielson's Story!
Don't forget to tune your radio station to KTXW 1120AM tomorrow morning @ 9:30am, Sunday @10:00am or KLSR 630AM Saturday @10:30am to catch this week's broadcast featuring David Danielson's story! You can also follow the link to listen online!
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
A BIG thank you to Weldon and Esther Baker for allowing us to collect thousands of prayer rocks from their beautiful ranch!! We also appreciate Johnny and Terry for allowing us to use their big ol trucks to transport these rocks! Also a very special thank you to the Sozo house for sending out many helpers to pick up these rocks to be placed in God's beautiful prayer rock garden. What a great day in Jesus!
I have attached pictures of our special day serving Jesus.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
I am excited to announce the completion of a very special visual presentation about the End Times Tabernacle that we have built together in the Texas Hill Country!
“FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN” newsletter #24 was released yesterday, which introduced this special video presentation to TCKF newsletter subscribers. If you did not receive “FIRE” newsletter #24, then you are NOT on the TCKF automatic mailing list.
According to the Bible, we are in the “last days”. By the grace of God, together we have built a multi-million dollar, non-denominational, outdoor Tabernacle (without debt) that is literally touching millions of people, through the media and in person. There is NOTHING like it on planet earth!
The word “Tabernacle” means a place to meet with God. The original Tabernacle, built by Moses (about 1445 B.C.) traveled around the wilderness for 40 years with the “Ark of the Covenant”. The Hebrew (Jewish) people experienced thousands of miracles on a daily basis around this original Tabernacle. Today, Gentiles and Jews are experiencing miracles daily at the last days Tabernacle in Kerrville.
This beautiful NEW video presentation is the result of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours work by some very talented Christian artists. I personally believe this historic presentation is spectacular.
The Dedication was held on September 13, 2015, on Rosh Hashanah, Shemitah, and Jubilee. Mike Simpson, owner of HERO PRODUCTIONS, did a fantastic job documenting the eight hour Dedication service with video.
Summer Holt, owner of HOLTECH, with her husband Perry, did a wonderful job taking Mike’s beautiful video work and assembled it in a digestible form, which will be available forever on the TCKF website.
(If you ever need great website work or custom video presentations for your family, ministry or business, please consider using Summer Holt and Mike Simpson! They are the best, and they are anointed by God, as you will see!)
The Dedication presentation can be viewed as individual vignettes, as short as three minutes each. You can choose the video segment you want to watch from that historic day.
22 anointed speakers and 5 music worship groups celebrated the completion of the original vision given to Sherry and me 15 years ago.
Approximately 1,500 people from across Texas, the USA and world attended the Dedication of this prototype, last days Tabernacle in Kerrville, TX.
1. This Sculpture Prayer Garden may be the literal fulfillment of the Tabernacle scriptures in the Bible (Isa 2:2, Amos 9:11, Micah 4:11).
2. The presentation documents miracles, signs and wonders that are occurring daily at THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN.
3. Hear Hershel Reid (in his own words) share why he gave $500,000 to me, after seeing almost a dozen wild hawks floating over his head on 9/16/05.
4. Witness rare unity in the Body of Christ as Pastors, Priests, evangelists and laymen from many Christian denominations came together to dedicate God’s Tabernacle garden in Texas.
5. Hear modern day prophecies given by our speakers, which are now coming true.
6. Hear God’s “Message To America”, which was given by TCKF Trustee, Louada Raschke and Jewish Rabbi, Dr. Randy Weiss.
7. Experience a genuine Rosh Hashanah service performed at sunset on God’s holy mountain by Rabbi Weiss.
Folks, pray and take some time to experience this beautiful video presentation. It is more relevant today than when it was delivered one year ago.
Also, please let me know what you think of this video presentation and share it with others. And, please thank Summer Holt and Mike Simpson for their exceptional work, done for the glory of God.
Click here to:
1. See the video Dedication Presentation with “LIVE” links to the individual segments:
2. Read Newsletter #24 in a large size, or print without “LIVE” links:
3. Subscribe to free future email issues of “FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN”:
Sherry and I pray that you are greatly blessed by God as you watch this powerful Tabernacle Dedication Presentation.
In the King’s service,
Max Greiner, Jr.
PS. Today, please listen to “THE CROSS AT KERRVILLE” radio show. TCKF donor, Bobby Cason shares how thousands of black hornets attacked him and covered his body. He was stung nine times before he screamed the name: “JESUS!!!”. Bobby received no other stings after calling on that name and is no longer allergic to bee stings! Click here to listen to this amazing testimony which airs today:
Friday, September 23, 2016
Listen to the Bobby Cason story on 'The Cross at Kerrville' Radio Broadcast!
Don't forget to tune your radio station to KTXW 1120AM tomorrow morning @ 9:30am, Sunday @10:00am or KLSR 630AM Saturday @10:30am to catch this week's broadcast featuring Bobby Cason's Story! You can also follow the link to listen online!
Jim McKnight & Bobby Cason were guests on the September 16th Radio Shows! |
Show Host, Roy Holley, TCKF Trustees Max & Sherry Greiner, and Narrator Herb Shackelford launch the San Antonio show on 2/7/15 |
Friday, September 9, 2016
Hi Facebook Friends of the Cross!
Here is a link to the 23rd “FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN” email newsletter from THE COMING KING FOUNDATION.
This is a “packed” newsletter since TCKF has not sent out a “FIRE” email newsletter in six months! Sorry, we have been busy!
This 23rd TCKF newsletter covers all the latest developments and miracles that have occurred at THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN in Kerrville, TX, including EASTER 2016.
It is astounding what is happening on that mountain to thousands of people!
So, if you would like to see this latest newsletter, in a large size, simply click on the following link. You are not obligated to subscribe. If you just want to see, or print this one issue, click the link below and then click on the September 1, 2016 issue, at the top of the website page:
However, if you would like to receive future issues of “THE FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN” email newsletter, please click on the SUBSCRIBE link, on the same page and sign up.
You are under no obligation and you can UNSUBSCRIBE at any time from this VERTICAL RESPONSE newsletter mailing list.
And, you don’t have to worry about getting too many TCKF newsletters, since at the current rate we are only publishing two a year!!!
Sherry and I want to thank all of you who have supported, prayed, volunteered or donated to this special non-profit work, that God is doing on a mountain in the Texas Hill Country. Thank you! Jesus said that a cup of water given in His name would not lose its reward!
Folks, please forward this newsletter link to everyone you know who owns a computer!!! Thanks!!! The Holy Spirit will bless them… and you!
God bless you and your family!
In Jesus,
Max Greiner, Jr.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Hi TCKF friends,
I wanted to let you know that Tuesday morning at 7:30 am, JENSCHKE CONSTRUCTION began digging the holes for the seven concrete bases of our future LED "Dark Sky" street lights, Praise God!
Attached is a photo of the crew starting work, and another drone shot by Dr. Robby Carpenter from last Saturday.
The new "state of the art" lights will illuminate the top of the garden and parking lots. They will also provide spot lights to the various sculptures.
In addition, some poles will have security video cameras attached. Finally, at the base of each light we will have electric outlets, so we can have CHRISTmas lighting in the future, across the top of the garden.
I specified 30' tall light poles to reduce vandalism and disperse the light in a soft, blended pattern. Over all the lighting will be pleasant at night, not intense like a car lot. The only bright accents will be the illuminated sculptures.
Seven 30' tall poles will be used to support the lights and security cameras.
The poles have been donated by Terry and Linda Forse. Paul and Susan Weathersby donated the LED light fixtures. Johnny Flowers, owner of GUADALUPE ELECTRIC is donating the electrical work. Bob Carey, owner of SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGIES is giving his skills and the security video cameras at cost, or better. As you know, Joe Ed Jenschke already donated the expensive underground trenches that were cut across the top of the mountain.
Everyone has given what they had to the LORD! Thank you all!
May the God of the universe bless you, your families, businesses and your dogs! In the name of Jesus - AMEN!!!
In the King's service,
Max Greiner, Jr.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Many local businesses support "The Empty Cross" and The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden in Kerrville, Texas. Therefore, TCKF asks you to support them with your patronage!
Click on this link
and print out this page as a "coupon".
Participating companies have agreed to provide a 10% to 40% "Friend Of The Cross" discount.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Listen to this Week's Broadcast! August 6, 2016 featuring Blair Guidry's Story Part 1
Since February 7, 2015, TCKF has produced a 30 minute, weekly radio show, which is broadcast across much of Texas, from KSLR 630 in San Antonio and KTXW 1120 in Austin. The program, which promotes God and the Kerrville Sculpture Prayer Garden, is heard by thousands of people. The unique program is also available anytime, around the world, as a Pod-Cast and on the TCKF website under Radio Show Archives:
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
TCKF Installs 5 new Tour Guide Chaplains
Dear Trustees & Friends,
Today, TCKF FIRE MARSHALL, Jeff Anderson did a great job installing five new Tour Guide Chaplains at THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN this morning. Congratulations everyone!
TCKF now has close to 40 Certified Tour Guide Chaplains, trained to serve our guests at the Garden Tabernacle.
It is a good thing because God is sending the people to His hill! (I checked the digital counter today and learned that approximately 11,554 people, in 4,440 vehicles, visited the garden during the month of July!) We are on track to exceed 100,000 visitors to the garden this year!
These Tour Guide Chaplains are now members of the TCKF Volunteer Fire Department, charged with fanning the flames of the Holy Spirit at God's Tabernacle Garden. We are all from different Christian denominations but we are united around Jesus, His Word and His cross!
Attached here are the photos from my camera, most taken by Trustee, Linda Forse. Linda has more good photos taken by her own camera.
I want to again thank all the new TCKF Tour Guide Chaplains who have
volunteered to serve God and His children at the Kerrville garden.
You have been given power by God to pull down strongholds, share the good news, heal the sick and banish the enemy, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
Run to the battle!
In the King's service,
Max Greiner, Jr.
Friday, July 22, 2016
"THE CROSS AT KERRVILLE" Steve Casey Story Part II
We hope you enjoy the Radio Show Broadcast featuring "The Cross at Kerrville" hosted by Roy Holley and TCKF Founder and President, Max Greiner. The show airs on the San Antonio, TX - "The Word In South Texas" KSLR 630AM radio station every Saturday morning at 10:30am and also on the Austin, TX - "The Bridge" KTXW 1120AM every Saturday morning at 9:30 am and Sunday morning at 10:00am!
Each week, after hearing remarkable personal testimonies, thousands of listeners are given the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as their LORD and Savior.
Each week, Christians are given the opportunity to receive the nine Gifts Of The Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12.
Each week, people are inspired by true testimonies of Believers who have experienced modern day miracles in their lives, many of which have happened at “The Empty Cross” in Kerrville.
Steve and Susan Casey were guests, with their friend, David Joiner, on the July 2016 radio programs.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Tune Your Radio Station Tomorrow!
Tune your radio station to KTXW 1120AM tomorrow morning @ 9:30am, Sunday @10:00am or KLSR 630AM Saturday @10:30am to catch this week's broadcast featuring Part 1 of Louada Raschke's Story.
You can also follow the link below to listen online!
You can also follow the link below to listen online!
Friday, April 29, 2016
Thank you to ALAMO CRANE from TCKF!!!
ALAMO CRANE has done great work for THE COMING KING FOUNDATION, on three different occasions, at THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN in Kerrville, TX. They did an excellent job installing three very expensive fine art sculptures in the garden. First on 7/27/10, they installed the 70 ton, THE EMPTY CROSS, 77’7” Cor-tin steel sculpture. Today, ALAMO CRANE installed the 18’ tall, 5,400 lb., THE COMING KING life-size Bronze sculpture, on its 7’ tall stone base, in the center of the 24.5 acre free garden. ALAMO CRANE employees were very competent and courteous. TCKF highly recommends ALAMO CRANE to anyone needing professional and precise crane work.
Max Greiner, Jr. Artist & President,
Max Greiner, Jr. Artist & President,
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Dear Jeanette and Mike,
I just saw the article on THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN that came out in today’s newspaper. Thank you!
The hundreds of volunteers, local donors, Tour Guide Chaplains and Trustees of THE COMING KING FOUNDATION sincerely thank you for helping us bless Kerrville residents, and thousands beyond!
I urge all of our local supporters to go buy a copy of this great article, which will only be on news stands today and tomorrow. However, it will be available at the newspaper offices next week.
Also, please thank Mike Graxiola and Jeanette Nash, with the KERRVILLE DAILY TIMES, for doing this positive story on Kerrville’s Sculpture Prayer Garden.
Mike and Jeanette, with all the bad things going on in our world today, which you must report on, we thank you for letting people know that hope and help can be found at the foot of cross! Thank you!
We pray God’s richest blessings be poured out on you and your families!
In the King’s service,
Max Greiner, Jr. President