Friday, September 22, 2017

New Sculpture "Hope" installed at the Garden!

The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden received Beverly Paddleford's beautiful sculpture named "Hope". 

The “Hope” sculpture is a visual reminder to those who have been through abortion or lost a child to early death for any reason. Their only hope lies in Jesus Christ. The child is in His care and He desires a relationship with the mother as well, regardless of the circumstances. 

A big thank you to all who showed up to help get "Hope" stationed in her new home. If you haven't been to God's garden lately I encourage you to take time to visit. I promise, your life will be touched before you leave His garden.

Serving Jesus,
Linda Forse

Listen to The Cross at Kerrville Radio Show!

Don't miss this week's broadcast featuring Matt Tyykila's Personal Testimony! Tune your radio station to KTXW 1120AM tomorrow morning @ 9:30am, Sunday @10:00am or KLSR 630AM Saturday @10:30am to catch this week's broadcast! You can also follow the link to listen online!