will be loading the first life-size bronze casting of the "LION OF JUDAH" onto my new customized trailer. I designed this special trailer with eight scripture verses on the side, that will bring readers to Jesus. Pastor welder, Earnest Taylor did a great job following my designs.
Please pray that God sends His angels with me all the way to Lander and then back home a week from now. Pray that I get to lead many souls to Christ during this maiden voyage of the "MET" (Mobile Evangelism Trailer).
By the grace of God, Franklin Graham has invited me to display the new lion bronze at his Waco crusade on the evening of Wednesday, 10/18/17. I will also be meeting with him and his leadership team at a private reception earlier. PRAY!
Imagine God sends at least one of these lion trailers prowling the highways of each state with evangelists, looking for souls! It could happen if we pray!
Thanks for praying for Sherry and her animals while I am on the mission for Jesus! Our two employees, Jose Mendoza and Ryan Huff will be here running our business in my absence. I won't be responding to emails for more than a
The great team at TCKF will be taking care of THE COMING KING SCULPTURE PRAYER GARDEN. Attached is a photo of THE COMING KING bronze sculpture from last night. Finally, we have a spot light on the King, praise God! PRAY for many souls to be touched by God at His garden. We have already passed 100,000 visitors for this year, and it is not over! PRAY!
God bless you all.
In Jesus,